The Facebook group Saving Pets One Pet @ A Time has brought together countless concerned pet parents claiming that their pets became sick or passed away due to contaminated Purina pet food. Because both cats and dogs have inexplicably become severely ill over the past few months, affected pet parents came together to share their stories and found a common denominator - their pet's food. So, are pets getting sick from Purina? We are currently unsure but there is a cause for concern, which has prompted an investigation by the FDA.
Are Pets Getting Sick from Purina? Purina Says No.

According to a post on Purina's Facebook page, the company claims that its food is safe to feed and does not pose health risks. In their post, shown left, they warn pet parents of the unnecessary stress these claims are causing. They categorize those sharing concerns into two groups - well-intentioned pet parents who are genuinely trying to help and competitors trying to sell products by tarnishing the Purina name.

Meanwhile, a small number of pet parents are alleging that Purina has covered some of their veterinary expenses and/or cremation services. While we cannot confirm these claims, they seem to be increasing. At this stage in the game, unfortunately, we cannot be sure what is going on, therefore, the best way to proceed is with caution because even Purina, while confident they have their quality control in order, may soon find that they missed something. Only time will tell.
Are Pets Getting Sick from Purina? The FDA Investigates

While we recognize that a company like Purina is not going to admit any wrongdoing until an investigation is complete, we are encouraged by reports that the FDA is launching an investigation into the claims. The FDA is also encouraging pet parents who suspect their pets became ill due to tainted pet food to submit a report to them for review. Submitting complaints to the FDA is the best way to bring more needed attention to this matter and expedite a recall, if one is needed.
Are Pets Getting Sick from Purina? Pet Parents say Yes.
From dozens of posts in the group Saving Pets One Pet @ A Time to comments on Purina's above-referenced post, more and more pet parents are coming forth with allegations that their pet fell ill or died due to some toxicity or contaminant in their food.

Pet parents are citing the following symptoms and encouraging others to immediately stop feeding Purina products.
Muscle Weakness
Symptoms and severity vary from pet to pet. Some pet parents claim that the symptoms and severity progressed over
time while others claim to have observed symptoms, including seizures, as soon as 2-3 hours after feeding the dog's first bowl of the food. As with most conditions, effects will vary depending on a pet's overall health, age, preexisting conditions, if any, etc.
Are Pets Getting Sick from Purina? Next Steps

If you are feeding Purina, you may consider stopping the food and switching to a different brand until more information is known. While there is no proof and no official recall, it's often better to be safe than sorry. There have previously been similar cases in which it took the FDA months to release an official recall, meanwhile, pets continued to get sick. Because the FDA will do its evaluation, which takes time, waiting until the conclusion of their investigation may be a risk too large to take.
Instead, even if you have not yet noticed symptoms, some veterinarians are advising pet parents to stop feeding Purina products immediately. This includes dry food, wet food, treats, and supplements for both cats and dogs. Pet nutritionists and those in the know recommend you keep a sample of your pet's food in the freezer. In addition, they urge you to keep the original bag or, at minimum, the lot number printed on the bag for reference. That way, if an official recall comes out, you can submit your claim with the samples and batch details. And, if there is a class action lawsuit in the future, you may be able to participate if your pet is affected.

Various veterinarians are leading efforts to get more information and get to the bottom of this case. These include Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM, Dr. Katie Woodly, DVM, and Dr. Josie Beug, DVM. In some cases, veterinarians and advocacy groups are paying to have pet food tested. While industry players are taking this very seriously and spreading the word, there is no telling where we go from here.
Dog Walking & Pet Sitting in Yorktown, Poquoson, Newport News & Hampton, Virginia

At Hearts at Home Pet Sitting, we do our best to stay on top of pet industry developments like this one because we feel a profound responsibility to keep our clients' pets happy and healthy. We will share more information on this topic as it arises. We are, by no means, vilifying the brand in question nor are we blaming any wrongdoing on them. For now, we are simply sharing the allegations in the hopes of preventing illness and injury should these claims be substantiated. Comment below and let us know what your thoughts are on this situation.
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Our pet sitters and dog walkers provide in-home pet care services for Yorktown, Poquoson, Newport News, and Hampton, Virginia.